Masterclass Structure
I will provide a calendar link and Zoom invite for each session. As you’ll note, a recording of the session content is included here. There is no need to watch anything before our first session. These videos are only provided for your future review.
Module Details
The Leadership Toolbox Masterclass contains SIX leadership conversations and FREE RESOURCES to help you grow as a leader and better support your organization’s future.
MODULE 1 – CULTURE: Great leaders understand the power of culture. As Peter Drucker once said, culture eats strategy for breakfast. In this session, we’ll evaluate how to define, refine, and reinforce a great organizational culture.
MODULE 2 – DELEGATION: Delegation is a necessary skill of leadership. It’s equally the most powerful leadership development system. No leader wants an organization small enough to be managed alone. The solution? An effective delegation system.
MODULE 3 – TRUST: Relational trust within the organization is the grease that allows team members to work together effortlessly. While trust requires time to gain, it can be lost in an instant. The better we understand the components of trust, the better we can instill it into our relational culture.
MODULE 4 – ACCOUNTABILITY: Holding people accountable seems nearly impossible. Perhaps because it is. Accountability isn’t something we can enforce, but it is something we can systematically inspire.
MODULE 5 – CHANGE LEADERSHIP: Change management is a process that took root in the 1990s, yet even with three decades of change management resources at our fingertips, successful change is rarely experienced. Why? The answer is moving from managing a process to leading the people.
MODULE 6 – PRESENTATION SKILLS: Eventually, leadership comes with a microphone. Great communication is a combination of compelling content and engaging presentation. In this session, we’ll uncover how to do both well.