How Management
Slowly Destroys

Relational  influence   is always better than positional authority.

I love helping faith-based marketplace leaders grow their influence to serve their organizations better.
Having spent a decade in the marketplace before leading for 15 years in a ministry, I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly side of leadership. My marketplace consulting experience taught be the business, but it was my pastoral leadership that help me understand how to lead people, not just projects.
People are the point. If you are leading, but nobody is following, you’re just going for a walk. If you can’t lead people, you can’t lead anything of significance.  
Growing your relational influence is the secret to growing as a leader. 

Effective leadership requires a diverse set of relational and practical skills.

I help leaders understand how to:

“Teams use trust as currency. If it is in short supply, then the team is poor. If trust abounds, the members of the team have purchase power with each other to access each others’ gifts, talents, energy, creativity, and love. The development of trust then becomes a significant leadership strategy.” 

— Reggie McNeal

Your Leadership Toolbox

The Leadership Toolbox Course contains SIX leadership skill conversations and FREE RESOURCES to help you grow as a leader and better support your organization’s future. 

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If you aren't growing your relational influence, your organization or team will:
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Leadership Coaching

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