Creating a Volunteer Movement

Unfortunately it’s easier to give a dollar 
than to give an hour.

Most church volunteer commitments require too much commitment, especially for those not yet involved. 

Engaging new volunteers in your church requires a system that intentionally moves people incrementally from where they are to their best nest step. 

To the average church attendee, what previously felt like a logical step now feels like a giant leap.

Does your church need a new discipleship pathway?
The pandemic didn’t kill our discipleship programs. These approaches and programs stopped working long ago.
It’s time to evaluate our current approach and consider new, modern options.
Improving your approach doesn’t have to be daunting. The better you understand how each physical and digital channel is best utilized, the more clarity you’ll have.
Without a comprehensive, omnichannel ministry method, you’ll have:

How Can I Help?

Check out the free resources above.
Let’s see if working together
works for you..

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