The Funding Funnel that Funds Your Church Course and Masterclass Experience contains FIVE modules and FREE RESOURCES to help you launch a generosity movement in your church. Masterclass participants also receive a FREE, personal, bonus session with Gavin to work on specific implementations unique to each church.
MODULE 1: In our first conversation, we’ll focus on why it’s so challenging to engage generosity, common pitfalls, our generosity goal, and our giving categories.
MODULE 2: Now that we understand the five giving categories and defined your category boundaries, we are ready to move into our next conversation. In this session, we’ll focus on moving non-giver to emotional tippers. Specifically, we’ll evaluate why people tip so we can consider ideas that can inspire your non-givers to take this first step on their generosity journey.
MODULE 3: Inspiring non-givers to tip is exactly how a generosity movement begins for an individual. But that’s just our first step. Giving may be incremental, but generosity is a lifestyle. In our third session, we’ll expand the movement to consider how to best inspire people to step through the rest of the funding funnel.
MODULE 4: Giving is a spiritual conversation, not a financial one. The entire funding funnel is built as a discipleship journey, allowing people to move forward spiritually while inspiring them to live generously. In our fourth session, we’ll discover what’s happening in our church today, design a complete strategy to move generosity forward, and learn to best deliver results.
MODULE 5: In our final conversation, we’ll consider how capital campaigns and year-end giving play a role in our funding funnel.